What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Charlotte?

Car accidents happen daily in Charlotte and the surrounding areas stemming from causes like speeding, distracted driving, or failure to obey traffic signals. When you are involved in a Charlotte car accident, knowing how to handle such situations is crucial. What are the accident laws in North Carolina? According to North Carolina § 20‑166.1, all…

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Should I Call the Police After a Car Accident in Charlotte?

When involved in a car accident, it may be an instant response or instinct to grab your phone and call the police. However, you might be surprised to learn how many people question or second guess whether to call the police. They might think that the damage or injuries sustained is too minor to bother…

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Vertebroplasty & Kyphoplasty for Spinal Compression Fractures

If you were injured in a car crash or some other type of personal injury, you may have sustained a spinal compression fracture, a serious injury that may require two different types of medical procedures –vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. A spinal compression fracture occurs when you have tiny, but extremely painful, breaks in your vertebrae. They…

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What Happens if an Emotional Support Dog Bites You?

Almost everywhere you look in Charlotte, you’ll see a dog. It’s a very pet-friendly city, and that means you’re likely to run into folks at stores, bars, or restaurants who have their pups in tow. At least some of these dogs will be deemed “emotional support animals,” or ESAs. ESAs, according to the American Kennel…

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How Do Unsecured Cargo Loads Cause Truck Accidents?

Truck drivers must ensure that their trucks have secured cargo loads before they leave their location enroute to their next destination. If they do not, a dangerous accident resulting in severe injuries and fatalities may occur. Here are four of the most common ways unsecured loads cause truck accidents: The unsecured load may cause visibility…

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Did You Know Charlotte Will Repair Your Broken Sidewalk?

As personal injury lawyers, we take sidewalk damage seriously because we know what kind of injuries broken and cracked sidewalks can cause. What you may not know, though, is that while you are responsible for keeping your sidewalks clear, you don’t have to repair them if they’re broken: the City does. According to the City…

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Dangerous Construction Companies Shouldn’t Be Getting a Break from Fines

A recurring trend involves state officials across North Carolina reducing penalties for construction companies with citations related to construction workers killed on the job. This is appalling because it signifies that injured or killed construction workers are not taken seriously and do not matter. When construction companies are given a break with reduced penalties for…

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What Is a Subdural Hematoma?

Subdural hematomas are a serious medical condition characterized by the accumulation of blood between the brain and its outermost covering – the dura mater. This condition poses significant dangers due to the potential compression of the brain tissues, leading to a range of severe neurological consequences. Subdural hematomas often result from head injuries, where blood…

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