Suing for Emotional Distress in North Carolina

After a serious accident, emotional distress can feel just as overwhelming as physical injuries. Anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or other mental health challenges stemming from an accident can seriously affect your life. If you’re in North Carolina and dealing with the emotional harm caused by someone else’s actions, you may be wondering, “Can I…

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Structural Collapses in North Carolina

When you think about a structural collapse, your first thought is likely a building crumbling to the ground. Catastrophic events like these are rare, but they do happen – with devastating consequences. Here in North Carolina, structural collapses can result from various factors, including poor construction practices, aging infrastructure, or natural disasters. All of these…

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Understanding Road Rash Injuries

The most common causes of road rash injuries are motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, skateboard accidents, scooter accidents, and pedestrian accidents. When a person suffers this type of injury, they may experience excruciating pain, discomfort, road debris embedded in their skin, and other life-threatening complications. If you are a victim of a motorcycle accident that resulted…

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Recovering Compensation After Losing a Limb

Losing a limb is often devastating, traumatic, and life-altering. Even though there are surgeries, prosthetics, and devices available to help you learn how to adapt and thrive, the harsh reality is that you will never be able to possess the same level of mobility or use you did before the accident. In addition, accident victims…

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What Happens if an Emotional Support Dog Bites You?

Almost everywhere you look in Charlotte, you’ll see a dog. It’s a very pet-friendly city, and that means you’re likely to run into folks at stores, bars, or restaurants who have their pups in tow. At least some of these dogs will be deemed “emotional support animals,” or ESAs. ESAs, according to the American Kennel…

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Legislative Recap: New and Improved Laws You Should Know About

A variety of legislation was recently passed into law here in North Carolina, including updates to auto insurance law and an insurance omnibus bill, as well as changes affecting students and teens in the state. Today we want to talk about these new laws and how they could affect people like you. Senate Bill 452…

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How Do School Zone Pedestrian Accidents Happen?

While it would seem as though school zones would actually be safer areas for pedestrians and bicyclists – and they should be – that is not always the case. In fact, the high volume of cars in designated pick-up and drop-off locations, as well as other areas around the school, and the number of school…

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E-Scooter Riders Face Real Risks on the Road

Since first hitting the market in the United States in 2010, electric scooters – or e-scooters as they are more commonly known – have grown in popularity. In fact, they are now so popular that they can be found seemingly everywhere: on roadways, on sidewalks, in towns, in cities, in parks. E-scooters have become ubiquitous,…

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