Recent Case Results
- All Types of Cases
- Wrongful Death
- Workers’ Compensation
- Will Caveat
- Truck Accidents
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- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Medical Malpractice
- Dog Bites
- Construction Accidents
Motor Vehicle Collison – Traumatic Brain Injury – Motor Vehicle Accidents
Recovered for a young woman who sustained a catastrophic brain injury as the result of an automobile collision with a large commercial vehicle. The firm retained expert witnesses in the fields of physical medicine and rehabilitation, life care planning and economics. Our firm prepared an extensive video settlement brochure. Following a nine hour mediation with the participation of our expert medical witnesses, the defendants agreed to pay $9 million which was put into a trust for our clients lifetime medical care.
Motor Vehicle Collison – Traumatic Brain Injury – Motor Vehicle Accidents
Recovered on behalf of the young woman who sustained catastrophic injuries when she was involved in a motor vehicle accident with a tractor-trailer truck while on the job. A workers' compensation claim was made as well as a liability claim against the at-fault trucking company. The settlement funds allow the plaintiff to live in a residential living facility for individuals with a traumatic brain.
Medical Malpractice – Anesthesia Error – Medical Malpractice
Recovered for a young woman who was admitted to a small rural hospital in North Carolina for routine childbirth. Errors were made during the placement and management of the epidural catheter which leads to cardiac and respiratory arrest. Defendant's anesthesiologist and the nurse anesthetist failed to resuscitate our client who suffered a devastating brain injury due to lack of oxygen. Our firm retained experts in the fields of anesthesiology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, life care planning and economics. The defendants settled the case three weeks prior to trial.
Negligent Highway Construction – Spinal Cord Injury – Construction Accidents
Recovered on behalf of a high school senior who was rendered a quadriplegic as a result of a rollover accident that occurred on I 40 in Iredell County, North Carolina. Our firm retained experts in the field of highway construction, accident reconstruction, life care planning and economics. The successful claim was made against the highway construction company based upon allegations that the construction work had created a lane shift with a significant drop off which caused our client's vehicle to roll over. Through extensive discovery, our firm learned of multiple other accidents that had occurred in the same location in previous months before the accident and that defendants were aware of the dangerous condition prior to the accident but took no steps to correct it. The case settled prior to trial.
Motor Vehicle Collision – Tire Defect – Motor Vehicle Accidents
Motor Vehicle Collision (Tire Defect): Recovered on behalf of a husband and wife who sustained serious injuries resulting from a rollover accident in New Mexico. Our clients purchased a used SUV the day before the accident. While driving, the right rear tire detreaded, causing the vehicle to lose control and rollover. Claims were made against the vehicle manufacturer, the tire manufacturer and the auto dealership who sold the used vehicle. Over 25 depositions were taken in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Ohio. The case settled the week before trial.
Motor Vehicle Accident – Quadriplegia – Motor Vehicle Accidents
Motor Vehicle Accident (Quadriplegia): Recovered for married construction worker rendered a quadriplegic due to cargo falling from an 18 wheeler on Highway 74 in Anson County, North Carolina.Plaintiff was driving at night when his vehicle was passed by an 18 wheeler transporting poultry cages. One of the cages fell from the 18 Wheeler onto the roof of our clients car, crushing the plaintiff’s spine. Our firm retained multiple experts and determine that the the defendants' trucking company and truck driver failed to properly and adequately secure its load and that the cargo restraint system used by the defendant company was outdated, rusted and in disrepair. Defendants paid $3 million prior to trial.
Workers’ Compensation – Paraplegia – Workers’ Compensation
Workers' Compensation (Paraplegia): Recovered on behalf of our client who was rendered a paraplegic when he fell from a roof fracturing his spine. Our client needed attendant care, housing modifications and handicapped accessible transportation. We represented the client for over 10 years until the settlement was ultimately reached.
Workers’ Compensation – Spinal Cord Injury – Workers’ Compensation
Workers' Compensation (Spinal Cord Injury): Recovered on behalf of a construction worker him from Texas who was paralyzed following a fall from a roof on a construction site in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Despite being unable to care for himself, the work comp carrier refused to compensate plaintiff's wife for the 24 hours a daycare she had to provide. After a trial before the industrial commission, the case settled.
Workers’ Compensation – Spinal Cord Injury – Workers’ Compensation
Workers' Compensation (Spinal Cord Injury, Attendant Care): Recovered on behalf of an employee of an exterminating company who sustained a severe spinal cord injury when he slipped and fell on ice. The employee had three previous attorneys who represented him before he retained our firm. One of the prior firms tentatively settled his case for $500,000, but our client refused to accept the settlement. After we were retained, we requested a trial to seek compensation for the attendant care that our client's wife had provided him as well as handicap accessible housing and transportation. The work comp carrier settled the case on the eve of trial.
Workers’ Compensation – Traumatic Brain Injury – Workers’ Compensation
Workers' Compensation(Traumatic Brain Injury): Recovered on behalf of an HVAC worker who sustained orthopedic and brain injuries as a result of falling through an unmarked skylight on the roof of the building. Our firm retained accident reconstructionists, roofing experts, a life care planner and an economist to aggressively pursue our clients' claim. Case settled following trial.
Workers’ Compensation – Neck Injury – Workers’ Compensation
Workers' Compensation (Neck Injury; Chronic Pain; Attendant Care): Recovered on behalf of the nurse injured at work as a result of an attack by a patient. Our client sustained a neck injury requiring surgery and developed chronic pain. Due to chronic pain, the client's husband was forced to quit work to care for her. Workers' compensation carriers refuse to to pay for care to be provided. The case was tried to successful verdict before the North Carolina Industrial Commission and settled while on appeal.
Wrongful Death – Trucking Accident – Wrongful Death
Wrongful Death (Trucking Accident): Recovered on behalf of a young man from Charlotte North Carolina who was killed when he rear-ended a tractor-trailer truck in the state of New Mexico. Investigation of the accident revealed that the tractor-trailer truck was parked in the travel lane of I -40 without any lights on. The driver of the truck had little to no experience and had not been properly trained. Our firm filed a lawsuit in federal court in New Mexico. The case settled for the full policy limits of following a seven hour mediation before a federal judge.
Motorcycle Accident – UIM Claim – Motorcycle Accidents
Motor Vehicle Collision (Uninsured Motorist): Recovered on behalf of a father of four who sustained a brain injury as a result of the collision with an uninsured vehicle. Our firm retained vocational experts and an economist. The insurance company made a top offer of $600,000 on the day of arbitration which was rejected. After hearing an arbitration panel awarded the plaintiff $1,900,000.
Worker’s Compensation – CRPS – Workers’ Compensation
Worker's Compensation (CRPS; Attendant Care): Recovered him on behalf of a married 45-year-old employee who suffered a shoulder injury and later developed chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS). As a result, our client was unable to care for himself. Claims were made for attendant care for his wife as well as home and vehicle modifications. The case settled during trial.
Workers’ Compensation – Construction Accident – Workers’ Compensation
Workers' Compensation (Construction Accident; Traumatic Brain Injury): Recovered on behalf of a construction worker from Virginia who suffering brain injury when the material was dropped from an overhead crane at a construction site. A lawsuit was filed against the operator of the Crane, the general contractor and several subcontractors. After 40 depositions in preparation for trial, the case settled for $1,600,000.
Motor Vehicle Accident – Workers’ Compensation – Workers’ Compensation
$1,450,000 Motor Vehicle Accident /Workers' Compensation: Recovered on behalf of an employee injured on the job when his parked truck was rear-ended by a tractor-trailer truck on the interstate. As a result, our client sustained a traumatic brain injury. A workers' compensation claim as well as the liability claim against the at fault truck were pursued.
Worker’s Compensation – Brain Injury – Workers’ Compensation
Worker's Compensation (Brain Injury, Attendant Care): Recovered on behalf of an HVAC technician from South Carolina who sustained a brain injury on a job site in North Carolina. Plaintiff's injury required him to be supervised on a daily basis. Our client's wife was forced to quit her job to look after her husband. The work comp insurance company refused to pay our client's wife for the care she provided. The case was tried before the North Carolina Industrial Commission and a favorable award was entered. The case settled while on appeal.
Workers’ Compensation – Brain Injury – Workers’ Compensation
Workers' Compensation ( Brain Injury, Attendant Care): Recovered on behalf of a client who sustained a traumatic brain injury in 1991. Following his injury he was unable to care for himself because of memory and other cognitive problems. Our client's wife provided all of his care. The client was represented by another attorney from 1991 to 2008 who had no experience in worker's compensation claims. No compensation was paid to our client's wife from 1991 to 2008. In 2008 our firm was retained and we immediately sought reimbursement for the care that our client's wife had provided over 17 years. The case was tried before the North Carolina Industrial Commission. Our firm won the case at trial. On appeal, the workers' compensation insurance carrier settled the case.
Medical Malpractice – Anesthesia Error – Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice (Anesthesia Error): Recovered for the estate of a married father of young twins who died as a result of medical negligence while undergoing a simple finger surgery at a rural hospital in the foothills of North Carolina. The anesthesiologist improperly administered the anesthetic (ropivacaine) causing cardio-respiratory arrest. The anesthesiologists failed to resuscitate our client, resulting in his death. Our firm retained several prominent anesthesiologists to testify regarding the malpractice. The case settled after a jury was selected.
Motorcycle Accident – UIM Claim – Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle Accident (UIM Claim): Recovered on behalf of a married father who sustains serious orthopedic injuries when a driver pulled out of a parking lot into his path causing them to be thrown from his motorcycle. The at fault driver had limited insurance in the amount of $30,000. We identified four separate insurance policies that provided underinsured (UIM) coverage for the client and negotiated the payment of full policy limits on all of the liability and UIM policies.
Will Caveat – Breach of Fiduciary Duty/Fraud – Will Caveat
Will Caveat (Breach of Fiduciary Duty/Fraud): Recovered on behalf of a son whose father passed away. Prior to his father's death, the father's girlfriend checked him out of the Alzheimer's unit where he lived, took him the courthouse and married him. She then took him to a local attorney where she had the client’s father change his will, leaving all of his assets to his new wife. Case settled prior to trial.
Motor Vehicle Collision – Orthopedic Injuries – Motor Vehicle Accidents
Motor Vehicle Collision (Orthopedic Injuries): Recovered on behalf of an individual who is struck by tractor-trailer truck resulting in two broken legs. Case settled prior to trial.
Trucking Accident – Orthopedic Injuries – Truck Accidents
Trucking Accident (Orthopedic Injuries): Recovered on behalf of a father of two who suffered a traumatic brain injury and multiple orthopedic injuries when his bicycle struck by a tractor-trailer truck.
Medical Malpractice – Failure to Diagnose Pulmonary Embolism – Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice (Failure to Diagnose Pulmonary Embolism): the verdict was received in Rutherford County, North Carolina for wrongful death as a result of alleged medical malpractice. We understand this to be the highest personal injury verdict or medical malpractice verdict in this county to date.
Animal Attack – Finger Injury – Dog Bite
Animal Attack – Finger Injury – Dog Bite: Recovered on behalf of a client who was attacked by a pit bull in the front yard of her home. Our client sustained injuries to her finger, requiring tendon surgery. Case was settled for policy limits under the dog owner’s homeowners’ insurance.
Animal Attack – Scarring – Dog Bite
Animal Attack – Scarring – Dog Bite: Recovered on behalf of a child who was attacked and bitten by a pit bull while walking down the street near her home. Injuries consisted of bites to the child's legs, requiring stitches. Case was settled prior to trial.