Charlotte Car Accident Lawyer

Charlotte Traumatic Amputation Lawyers

Strong advocacy when accidents cause victims to lose a limb

Many different types of accidents, including car accidents, truck accidents, and product liability accidents, can cause traumatic amputations. For many victims, the emotional trauma is just as overwhelming as the physical trauma. Doctors work to save as much of a victim’s limb as possible so they can use a prosthesis. At Price, Petho & Associates, we have the experience to hold defendants accountable when their negligence causes someone to lose part or all of an arm or leg.

Our Charlotte traumatic amputation attorneys work with orthopedists, prosthetists, and other professionals to convince insurance companies and juries just how devastating your traumatic injury is. Call us now to assert your right to compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost income, and other damages.

What would you like to know?

What is a traumatic amputation?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, amputation is the surgical removal of part or all of an appendage. Accident victims may also require amputation if saving a body part would endanger other body parts. Medical amputations ensure that appendage removal is clean and safe. The body parts that may require amputation due to an accident include arms, hands,  fingers, legs, feet, and toes.

In some cases, amputation of an ear, tongue, or nose may be necessary.

A traumatic amputation is due to an accident. Amputations may also be necessary due to diseases, infections, and other health conditions.

The surgical procedure

According to Johns Hopkins University, the type of surgery depends on the part of the body that requires amputation, the scope of the bone and tissue damage, and the reason for the amputation. For example, the amputation of a finger may be small but requires “intricate procedures working with skin, tendons, and nerves to allow fine motor function and optimal use of the hand.” Removing a leg or an arm is a major surgery that requires “skill in handling and stabilizing all the different tissues of the body part including skin, blood vessels, muscles, nerves, tendons, and bone.”

The amputation may take place in stages. Subsequent surgeries may be necessary to treat scarring, chronic pain, the breakdown of tissue, and other complications.

The three types of amputation surgeries include:

  • Standard amputation. This procedure involves removing the limb, anchoring the muscles to the “cut end of the bone,” and then applying a skin cover. Additional methods are necessary to help a patient use a prosthetic limb.
  • Osseointegration. This procedure involves the removal of a body part and the insertion ofa steel implant into the stump of the leftover bone.” This way, a prosthetic can attach to that implanted piece.
  • Rotationplasty. This type of amputation is generally used for cancer patients.

What types of accidents cause the loss of a limb in Charlotte?

Our Charlotte personal injury lawyers handle the following types of accidents and negligence that are known causes of traumatic amputations.

What treatments do Charlotte doctors use for traumatic amputation victims?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, patients usually spend a few days to a few weeks in the hospital after surgery. Your rehabilitation (at the hospital, at local rehab centers, and at home) will normally include:

  • Physical therapy. The therapist will help you start to move again so your muscles don’t get stiff. The therapist will help you with exercises so you can use different muscles.
  • Occupational therapy. The healthcare professional helps patients learn how to perform routine home and work tasks.
  • Psychological counseling. The loss of a body part is very hard to cope with. Psychological care can help patients with their mental challenges. Some amputees may experience depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

How does a prosthesis work?

Patients who can use a prosthetic limb after a traumatic amputation will work with specialists who will prepare and fit the prosthetic for their missing body part – and teach the patient how to use the limb.

Deciding whether or not to use a prosthesis depends on your personal goals. The Amputee Coalition states that:

The basic components of a standard upper-limb prosthesis are similar to those of a lower-limb prosthesis (sockets, pylons, etc.). While a lower-limb prosthesis incorporates a foot with a focus on ambulation (walking), an upper-limb prosthesis will have a “terminal device,” such as a hook, hand, or a specialized tool, with a focus on functional enhancement.

Usually, a traumatic amputation victim will work with a prosthetist who designs and fits the prosthetic devices throughout their lifetime. Patients often need replacements due to wear and tear of the body and the prosthesis and new technical advancements in prosthetic devices. Newer devices may have various stimulation technologies.

Victims will normally start with a temporary prosthesis until their limb fully heals – at which time they will receive a permanent prosthesis. A prosthesis helps accident victims regain some function of their body parts – usually with training by a physical therapist or a prosthetic specialist.

The Amputee Coalition states that:

The first year following an amputation can be a difficult adjustment. There will be changes in the shape and size of your residual limb. You and your team will put in a lot of work to recondition muscles. Your body will need to relearn activities, gait, balance, and coordination. You will also need to learn to trust your prosthesis.

What is the cost of a prosthesis?

At Price, Petho and Associates, our lawyers review with your medical team how many prostheses you will likely need during your lifetime. We demand the defendants responsible for your traumatic amputation pay the cost of all the prosthetic devices you will need and the cost to fit those devices and train you how to use them.

Google Reviews

I reached out to Price, Petho, and Associates after I found myself in need of an attorney for an accident I was in that led to personal injury. This was my first experience with something like this and they guided me through the process every step of the way. Every question I had was answered promptly and I truly feel they had my best interest at heart. I highly recommend them if you should find yourself in need of these services.

- C.P.


Price Petho and Associates are the best Attorneys in Law I’ve ever worked with. I was involved in a car accident last year and since I was injured, they handled my case and did not disappoint, they took care of everything. Also, my wife got rear ended in her car (total loss) about 6 months ago and my insurance company was delaying our claim and payment, we went to Price Petho and Associates again for some advice, Margaret E. Ford welcomed us right away, we explained the situation, she understood and explained to us what options we had. She was extremely knowledgeable about cases like this, she even called our insurance company for us and made them pay us the same day we talked to her. I’m very glad we asked for their help.

- Y. M.

Recent Case Results

What are the long-term consequences of traumatic amputation?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, some of the long-term effects of traumatic amputation include:

  • Residual limb pain. Nerve damage from your surgery can cause recurring nerve pain. The use of a prosthesis can also cause pain due to irritations of the skin at the points of attachment of the prosthesis to your body.
  • Phantom limb pain. This type of pain is common among amputees. Phantom pain, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, refers to the sensation or pain felt in an amputated limb, even though the limb is gone.

Are there local resources for helping traumatic amputation victims?

Our Charlotte traumatic amputation lawyers will recommend medical professionals who can help patients who lose a limb. Many amputees also benefit from participation in local amputee groups where they (and family members) can connect with other amputees who are learning how to cope with their limb loss. Next Step Prosthetics has a number of national and local recommendations.

How do you advocate for traumatic amputation victims in Charlotte?

At Price, Petho & Associates, we work with your doctors (and our own network of doctors) to ensure you are seeing the medical professionals who can help you. We work with these doctors to verify your injuries, document all the medical care you’ve had so far, and explain all the care you will need for the rest of your life. We also review with these medical professionals how your amputation is affecting every part of your life.

We will help you obtain the following damages:

  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of income and future earning potential
  • Physical pain
  • Emotional suffering
  • Disfigurement compensation
  • Loss of companionship (consortium) with your spouse
  • Property damage

Do you have a Charlotte traumatic amputation attorney near me?

Yes. Price, Petho & Associates consults with traumatic amputation victims at our three office locations:

  • 1430 Elizabeth Ave., Charlotte, NC
  • 801 E Broad Ave., #17, Rockingham, NC
  • 224 N Main St., Rutherfordton, NC

We can meet you at your home or a healthcare facility if you cannot travel due to your injuries. Our lawyers also consult with amputees by phone and through online video.

Our lawyers have helped many personal injury victims obtain strong recoveries.

Talk with our Charlotte loss of limb attorneys today

You’re in a lot of physical and emotional pain. Your bills are mounting. You worry if you’ll be able to recover enough to work or enjoy life again. At Price, Petho & Associates, we understand your concerns and anxiety. Since 1979, our personal injury lawyers have been helping traumatic amputation victims hold defendants accountable. We help clients restart their lives. Please call us or use our contact form to schedule a free consultation.

Our firm represents clients in Charlotte, Rockingham, and Rutherfordton, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Google Reviews

I reached out to Price, Petho, and Associates after I found myself in need of an attorney for an accident I was in that led to personal injury. This was my first experience with something like this and they guided me through the process every step of the way. Every question I had was answered promptly and I truly feel they had my best interest at heart. I highly recommend them if you should find yourself in need of these services.

- C.P.


Price Petho and Associates are the best Attorneys in Law I’ve ever worked with. I was involved in a car accident last year and since I was injured, they handled my case and did not disappoint, they took care of everything. Also, my wife got rear ended in her car (total loss) about 6 months ago and my insurance company was delaying our claim and payment, we went to Price Petho and Associates again for some advice, Margaret E. Ford welcomed us right away, we explained the situation, she understood and explained to us what options we had. She was extremely knowledgeable about cases like this, she even called our insurance company for us and made them pay us the same day we talked to her. I’m very glad we asked for their help.

- Y. M.

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