How Do I Read My North Carolina Car Accident Report?

After you’re involved in a car accident here in Charlotte, there’s likely a lot of chaos in the immediate aftermath of the collision. One of the most important pieces of evidence you’ll need later, however, is the accident report. This is the report taken by the responding police officer after the accident. You may hear…

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Can I Find Out How Much Insurance the At-Fault Driver Has?

After you’re injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you typically file a claim with their insurance company for your medical expenses and other losses. However, when you file that claim, it’s important to remember that the insurance company does not represent you – it represents the at-fault driver. The insurance adjuster’s job…

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Why You Should Always Get Medical Care Immediately After a Car Accident

Getting in a car accident in North Carolina can be a shocking, disorienting experience. However, the best thing you can do after a vehicular accident is to seek medical attention. In addition to receiving the proper treatment you require, getting immediate medical care is important for health, insurance and legal purposes. Vehicular accidents can cause…

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Can I Get Workers’ Compensation for PTSD in North Carolina?

Workplace injuries are common in every occupation. It is almost expected that a worker will experience some type of physical injury. But very rarely do workers consider workers’ compensation benefits for mental disorders caused by their occupations. There are occupations such as firefighters and construction workers whose dangerous nature can cause workers to experience PTSD.…

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How Better Crash Reports Can Help Improve Traffic Safety

Safety researchers have started to study the effects that police reports have on traffic safety. The language used in police reports has been criticized in the past for being harmful and passive against the victims. According to safety researchers, the statements made in police reports are focused on blaming the victims of the accidents and…

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FMCSA Cancels Emergency HOS Waiver – Finally

In March of 2020, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued an emergency hours-of-service waiver. This waiver followed the national emergency declared by President Trump due to COVID-19. In the last two years that the waiver was introduced, it was modified or extended over 10 times. This year, the agency decided to quietly let…

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Why Am I Named in a Lawsuit When I Didn’t Cause the Accident?

When you are involved in an accident that causes injuries, it’s important to discover who the liable party is. Otherwise, you might find yourself receiving a complaint for a lawsuit in the mail. Your first thought is probably, “Why am I getting sued for a car accident I didn’t cause?” One of the points of…

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What Is an Anoxic Brain Injury?

It’s very easy for a car accident to cause a brain injury. All your head has to do is hit the steering wheel or any other object for your brain to suffer trauma. However, there is also a type of brain injury that happens even when your head hasn’t experienced an external blow. That injury…

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