What Kind of Evidence Is Used in a Personal Injury Case?

After being hurt, you may decide to file a personal injury claim. These claims help you seek compensation for the losses you suffered as well as hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions. To successfully prove that a person or company caused your injuries, you must have evidence backing your claim. Below, the attorneys…

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What Happens If the Insurance Company Acts in Bad Faith?

When you file a personal injury claim, you immediately expect your insurance company to treat you with fairness as well as prioritize your needs. However, when an insurance company is not holding up their part of the deal, this usually means they are acting in bad faith. What’s considered bad faith? The goal of most…

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Best Practices on How to Behave in Court

If you have an upcoming courtroom appearance or a scheduled meeting at your local courthouse, you may be curious about how to behave in court. Most people want to ensure that they have the proper courtroom etiquette, regardless of if they are the defendant, plaintiff, witness, or spectator. The Charlotte personal injury attorneys at Price,…

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Why You Never Want to “DIY” Your Own Injury Case

When it comes to any type of court case, individuals are allowed to represent themselves. However, just because they are allowed to do this does not mean that they should. You may be thinking that you do not want to spend money on a personal injury attorney when you already have growing medical bills, no…

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What Does It Mean to “Settle” an Injury Case?

When you get hurt in North Carolina and choose to pursue legal action through a personal injury case, it is not always a quick process. You will need to work alongside an experienced Charlotte personal injury attorney to help you prove your injuries and get you the compensation you deserve. That compensation will help cover…

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¿Me Deportarán Si Reclamo Por Mi Accidente De Auto?

Carolina del Norte es un estado industrial. Tenemos un clima estupendo, una economía próspera y unas vistas preciosas. Así que no es de extrañar que personas de fuera de nuestro estado, y de fuera de nuestro país, se trasladen aquí. Si usted es inmigrante, ya sea naturalizado o indocumentado, es importante que conozca sus derechos…

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How Does a Deposition Work in a Charlotte, NC Car Accident Case?

Most car accident claims come to a settlement before they are brought to court. However, when there are cases that involve severe injuries, then a Charlotte car accident claim may have to go to trial. Victims of the accident will likely hire an experienced car accident attorney who will help them negotiate with insurance companies…

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Can Car Accidents Cause Peripheral Nerve Damage?

Even with the advancement of modern-day technology in cars, like pedestrian detection, blind spot monitors, and motion sensors to alert you if you are too close to another vehicle, accidents still happen. In fact, the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles released statistics stating that there were over 247,000 car crashes in 2020. And of…

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